INTRAMATIC: Intrastat in 3 simple steps!

ITRAMATIC è is a revolutionary web application, that we have developed, for supporting your Invoicing employees, easing up your Intrastat fulfillment. With INTRAMATIC you will be able to easily and quickly interact with our agents. Find more information about the service here below.

Documents acquisition

Thanks to its advanced and moderm user interface you will be able to upload all your invoices digially. Once done with the upload you can verify in real time the status of the Intrastat file processing.

Payment & validation

Once the document revision has been completed by our professionals, you will find a summary of all the processed documents. At the time you will be able to complete the payment and wait for the official Customs fulfillment receipt.

Documents Send

Our agents will procede with digital documents presentation to the local customs, once done you will receive the official receipt with the protocol number. In case you require the printed version you will receive it by mail a few days after.

On-site consulting

The on-site consulting is our top service dedicated to the most demanding customers, corporates that for particular security and privacy reasons needs to have the invoices processed on site. You can have one or more of our consultants at your place for all the INTRASTAT fulfillment processes

Our consultans

All our consultants are expert on the field, they will provide you with the best assistance you are in need.

Where we operates

We guarantee INTRAMATIC services on all the national territory. At the moment on-site assistance is possible on the following regions: Sardinia, Piedmont and Lombardy. For particular and consistant requests we can evaluate time by time the possibily of providing support in other regions.

Time flexibility

To easy up your operations we have flexible working time, some of our consultants works on 24/7 shifts if required.

Accountant Associated Support

With the evolution of global markets and time by time bigger international exchanges between economical operators many companies commission their Accountant Consultants to fulfill the Intrastat declarations. For may Accountants this could be a onerous, for this reason we have created a dedicated service to help accountants to achieve their customers need with minimum effort.

Greatest simplicity

Thanks to its advanced and moderm user interface you will be able to upload all your customers invoices digially from 1 global account. Once done with the upload you can verify in real time the status of the Intrastat file processing for each customer.

Competitive costs

Our business proposals are competitive and surely interesting. Ask a free quotation right now!

Assumption of responsibility

Entrusting the complete Intrastat management of your clients you will be relieved of any responsibility. We operate in direct representation and all declarations are presented by licenced Customs agents.